Pool Covers and Water Conservation
May 10, 2016 at 08:24 PM
The swimming pool, spa and hot tub industry supports the use of pool covers for water conservation. In fact, did you know that an uncovered, 16-by-36 foot pool can lose as much as 180 gallons of water a week or 720 gallons of water a month to evaporation? (Not to mention that evaporating water also takes expensive heat and chemicals with it.)
A recent study from the National Plasterers Council (NPC) supports these facts. Performed in response to the California drought, the study proved that certain pool covers significantly reduce evaporation by about 95 percent.
That's pretty compelling data.
Take a look at the below infographic to visualize the impact covers can make on water conservation.

Pool photo from Bonsall Pool & Spa, http://bonsallpool.com/ courtesy of Cover Pools.